
If Rasullullah is still living among us?
MashaAllah, how my tears really want to went down while watching this video.
"Sitting with the Prophet is everyone's dream"
I like what the sister said. It really touched me.
I wish in my country can have this reality tv programme. Very beneficial indeed to make this world a better place to live to all people.
When I wantched this video, i felt ashamed of myself. How our sister there feel the pain of all of muslims over the world, but we here forgot about that.
Try spend some time to watch this video. Click HERE
[9] Azaan
I miss to hear azaan here, how fortunate muslim who live in Malaysia rather than here, Moscow. Since my childhood, my father always remind me to respect azaan. One of the memory which remind him the most is whenever it's near Maghrib prayer, he will ask me to switch off the television then teaching me answering the azaan. Usually, the most common of all prayer calling is Maghrib because it's already dusk and almost night. the mothers will call upon their children to come home, take bath then get ready for Maghrib prayers. Really miss those moments.
Opps, i almost forget, for those who didn't know what is Azaan, i got the answer for you.
Defination of Azaan :
Azaan is the islamic call to prayer, recited by muezzin (chosen person at the mosque) from one of the mosque's minarets (in most modern mosques, electronic amplification aids the muadhan).Azaan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque, sometimes from a minaret, five times a day summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) prayers (salah). There is a second call known as iqama (set up) that summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers.

Here the post from My Little Mosque and i like to highlight it.
"Talking about respecting Azaan, once I was watching Tele again with my friend, to be exact it was TV3. Suddenly the Zuhur Azaan was heard just for a moment, then he changed the channel. Oh, I believe many of you did the same thing, don't bluff! Suprisingly, it's hard for us to even hear Azaan for a while. Maybe we are used to it untill we dont bother anymore! Even worse, talking when the Muezzin called out Azaan! That is very rude. Just admit you do it too..no harm in confessing this! but please, is it so hard for people to shut up when you hear Azaan?! It is simple right? Respecting the National Anthem you may have, you even stand up, and sing along with proudness! How about Azan? Here is some suggestion of what you may do to respect Azaan : 1. For example, you are listening to your favorite song, then you heard Azaan at the same time. Stop listening your song, and listen for the Call just for a moment. 2. When having a discussion or simply a normal chit-chat, stop talking will you! 3. Don't ever ever complaint that Azaan is so disturbing, annoying, too loud and etc. Even my friend, a non-muslim who lives near the Surau doesn't complaint enough.. 4. Or even better, answer every verse of the Azaan. Upon forgetting how to answer it, simply read your Agama textbook, okay?"
Do you ever watch the miracle of Azaan? I guees you watch it, but still i really want to share with you, how miracle the calling to the prayers is non-stop for 24 hours through all over the world. From the azaan salat Subuh to the Isyaa' then continue back without stop. Try spend some time to watch it. Click HERE
Download here for hearing azaan five times a day.
[8] Tegur-menegur
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Ana ingin menceritakan tentang amalan tegur-menegur yang amat ditekankan dlm islam, namun sekarang semakin diabaikan dalam masyarakat sekeliling kta. Amalan tegur menegur merupakan asas di dalam konsep amal makruf nahi mungkar. Untuk menjadikan amalan ini sebagai satu budaya bukanlah sesuatu yang susah namun juga bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Kekadang ana terfikir gak, mse nak menegur sahabat ana, layakkah ana? Sebagai contoh, menegur untuk sembahyang. Ana mengaku sembahyang ana masih tidak sempurna, gara-gara ingin menanti solat Subuh namun terlelap sehingga habis solat Zohor. Layakkah ana untuk menegur sahabat ana sedangkan sembahyang ana pun tak terjaga?
Ana pernah tekankan kepada sahabat handai ana, perlunya tegur-menegur untuk memastikan kita tidak terpesong dari jalan yang Allah sediakan, namun budaya tersebut tidaklah bertahan lama (dalam 2 minggu hingga sebulan mungkin). Kadang-kadang ana rasa diri ana terlalu lemah dalam menjalani ujian Allah.
"Perbaikilah diri kamu sebelum menasihati org lain" - pernah ke tak antum dengar nasihat yang sedemikian rupa? Ana tidak mengatakan nasihat itu salah sepenuhnya, namun jika ianya disalah tafsirkan, maka semakin beratlah masyarakat untuk melakukan budaya tegur-menegur. Tegurlah antum kawan-kawan antum, disamping itu, teguran yang antum berikan itu boleh dijadikan teguran untuk diri antum sendiri. Sebagai contohnya, semasa ana menegur sahabat ana untuk mengerjakan solat, terdetik dalam hati ana untuk mendirikan solat, lebih baik lagi ajaklah berjemaah sekali. Lihatlah kesan tegur-menegur, daripada diri ana yang lalai dan leka dalam solat, namun kerana budaya tegur-menegur, ana mendirikan solat malah berjemaah. Itulah kesan budaya tegur-menegur yang sepatutnya diamalkan dalam masyarakat untuk menjadikan masyarakat yang bertamadun dan berjaya.
"Dan tetap tekunlah engkau memberi peringatan, kerana sesungguhnya peringatan itu mendatangkan faedah kepada orang-orang yang beriman"

Cara menegur
Walau bagaimanapun, teguran yang dibuat mestilah dengan cara yang betul dan berhikmah supaya ia dapat memberi kesan positif kepada penerima. Terlebih dahulu, kita hendaklah berilmu dan yakin dengan apa yang ditegur kerana kita tidak mahu dikatakan hanya bercakap kosong. Teguran yang dilakukan juga perlulah dalam keadaan dan masa yang sesuai supaya ia dapat menjaga keaiban orang lain, di samping mengelakkan perasaan riak di dalam diri kita.
Sebaik-baiknya tegurlah secara peribadi dan dalam keadaan yang tenang dan sabar. Jangan sesekali membuat teguran di khalayak ramai secara terbuka kerana ia hanya akan menimbulkan perasaan malu dan aib. Tegurlah dengan kata-kata yang sopan dan lembut. Kata-kata herdikan dan marah tidak semestinya dapat membetulkan kesalahan orang lain, tetapi hanya akan menimbulkan perasaan benci dan permusuhan. Ingatlah bahawa hanya kata-kata nasihat yang lembut mampu mencairkan hati yang keras, umpama air yang menitik dapat melekukkan batu yang keras.
Hadis dari Abi Said Al-Khudri yang bermaksud : “Rasulullah saw telah bersabda : Barang siapa di antara kamu yang melihat akan kemungkaran, maka hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan tangannya. Jika sekiranya ia tiada berkuasa, maka hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan lidahnya. Maka sekiranya ia tiada juga berkuasa, maka hendaklah ia mengubahnya dengan hatinya. Dan yang demikian itu (iaitu mengubah dengan hatinya) adalah selemah-lemahnya iman.” (Riwayat Oleh Muslim).
Hadis di atas ini, menunjukkan cara seseorang mengubah kemungkaran yang berlaku di sekelilingnya. Bagi yang berkemampuan atau mempunyai kuasa, maka ubahlah kemungkaran yang berlaku dengan kuasanya atau tangannya (perbuatannya). Bagi yang tidak berkemampuan maka ubahlah dengan lidahnya (teguran). Dakwah dengan menggunakan teguran selalunya bermasalah, ada yang tegur dengan cara menengking, menghina dan mencaci orang, ada orang yang menegur dengan cara baik, tetapi dibalasnya dengan cara yang tidak baik dan banyak lagi. Firman Allah yang bermaksud :
“Serulah kepada agama Tuhanmu dengan hikmah dan pengajaran yang baik, dan bantahlah mereka dengan cara sebaik-baiknya, sesungguhnya Tuhammu dialah yang lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang sesat dari jalannya dan dia lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk.”(Al-Nahl : 127).
Haruslah juga diingat bahawa di samping keperluan kita menegur orang lain, kita juga mestilah bersedia untuk menerima teguran. Dengarlah teguran yang diberi dengan tekun dan ambillah peluang untuk kita muhasabah diri. Sesungguhnya dengan adanya budaya tegur menegur ini kita semua dapat menjadi seorang muslim yang kamil dan lebih cemerlang.
Salaam (Peace be on you)
as taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
And when those who believe in Our communications come to you, say: Peace be on you, your Lord has ordained mercy on Himself... Noble Qur'an (6:54)
Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sitting one day with his Companions (Sahabah) and they were talking together. A person came in without asking permission and didn't even offer his Salaam (Islamic Greeting).
"Why didn't you say Salaam (Peace be on you)?" and "Why didn't you ask permission to come in?" questioned Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
"Go back. Ask our permission and greet us with your Salaam (Peace be on you) before you come in," Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) instructed.
Regarding Salaam (Islamic Greeting), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has told us:
O Muslims! You will not enter Paradise unless you are kind to each other, unless you warmly say Salaam (Peace be on you) to each other whenever you meet.
Always say Salaam (Peace be on you) in a loud voice and reply in the same way.
Allah (SWT) loves most the person who says Salaam (Peace be on you) first and gives him better rewards and blessings. First give your Salaam (Peace be on you), then say whatever you have to say.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "When you meet each other then initiate greeting (Salaam) and embrace; and when you separate from each other, then depart with seeking forgiveness."
Imam Hussain ibn Ali (as) said: "Seventy rewards is the share of the one who initiates a 'greeting (Salaam)' and only one reward belongs to the one who returns the 'greeting (Salaam)'." (When two people see each other, the initiator of the exchange of greetings receives a greater reward.)
Imam Sadiq (as) said: "He who initiates a greeting is more beloved with Allah (SWT) and His Messenger."
Note: Salaam - An Arabic word meaning peace and greetings, which Muslims uses in everyday life as per the teachings of Islam.
Always Tell the Truth
Beautiful teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you always speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of trouble! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of bad things, but his promise to tell the truth saved him.
Once a man came to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and said, "O Messenger of Allah (SWT), I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I give up first?" Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Give up telling lies first and always speak the truth." The man promised to do so and went home.
At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he thought for a moment about the promise he made with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). "If tomorrow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asks me where have I been, what shall I say? Shall I say that I went out stealing? No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth, everyone will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be punished for stealing."
So the man decided not to steal that night, and gave up this bad habit of stealing.
Next day, he felt like drinking alcohol, when he was about to do so, he said to himself, "What shall I say to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) if he asks me what did I do during the day? I cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will hate me, because a Muslim is not allowed to drink alcohol." And so he gave up the idea of drinking alcohol.
In this way, whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he remembered his promise to tell the truth at all times. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a good Muslim and a very good person.
If you always speak the truth, you can be a good person, a good Muslim whom Allah (SWT) likes and favors. If Allah (SWT) - our Creator - is pleased with us, He will reward us with Heaven, which is a place of happiness and joy.
Moral of the Story: Make a promise; I shall always speak the truth and never break it.
Tears of Rasulullah (saw)
How much do you Love Rasulullah (saw)?
Suddenly, there was a person said Salaam. "May I come in?" he asked the permission to enter.
But Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) did not allow him to enter the room. "I'm sorry, my father is ill," said Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) turned back and closed the door.
Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) went back to her father who had opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who was he, my daughter?"
"I don't know, my father. It's the first time I'm seeing him," Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) said gently.
Then, Rasulullah (saw) looked at his daughter with trembled look, as if he wanted to reminisce about every part of her daughter's face. "Know one thing! He is who erases the temporary pleasure; he is who separates the companionship in the world. He is the angel of death (Ezraeel)," said Rasulullah (saw).
Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) bore the bomb of her cry. Then, Rasulullah (saw) ask his daughter to allow the angel of death (Ezraeel) to enter.
The angel of death (Ezraeel) came toward him; But Rasulullah (saw) asked why Jibril (Gabriel) did not come along with him. Then, Jibril was called. Jibril was ready in the sky to welcome the soul of Habibullah and the leader of the earth.
"O Jibril, explain me about my rights in front of ALLAH (SWT)?" Rasulullah (saw) asked with a weak voice.
"The doors of sky has opened, the angels are waiting for your soul. Paradise opens widely waiting for you," Jibril said. But, in fact, those all did not make Rasulullah (saw) relieve, his eyes were still full of worry.
"You are not happy to hear this news?" asked Jibril.
"Tell me about the destiny of my people in future?"
"Don't worry, O Rasulullah. I heard ALLAH (SWT) told me: I make Paradise Haram (forbidden) for every one, except the people of Muhammad," Jibril said.
It became closer and closer, the time for the angel of death (Ezraeel) to do his work. Slowly, Rasulullah's soul was pulled. It was seemed that the body of Rasulullah (saw) was full of sweat; the nerves of his neck became tight.
"Jibril, how painful this Sakaratul Maut is?" Rasulullah (saw) uttered a groan slowly. Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) closed her eyes, Imam Ali (as) sat beside her, bow deeply and Jibril turned his face back.
"Am I repugnant to you that you turn your face back O Jibril?" Rasulullah (saw) asked to the deliverer of Wahi. "Who is the one who could see the Habibullah in his Sakaratul Maut," Jibril said.
Not for a while, Rasulullah uttered a groan because of unbearable pain.
"O ALLAH (SWT), how greatest is this Sakaratul Maut. Give me all these pains, don't to my people." The body of Rasulullah (saw) became cold, his feet and chest did not move anymore. His lips vibrated as if he wanted to say something, Imam Ali (as) took his ear close to Rasulullah. "Uushiikum bis salati, wa maa malakat aimanuku" - "take care of the Salaat and take care of the weak people among you."
"Outside the room, there were cries shouted each other, Sahabah (Companions) held each other. Fatimah daughter of Muhammad (saw) closed her face with her hands and, again, Imam Ali (as) took his ear close to Rasulullah's mouth which became bluish.
"Ummatii, Ummatii, Ummatii" - "My people, my people, my people." And the life of the noble prophet ended.
Could we love each other like our prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Allahuma salli ala Muhammadin wa aale Muhammad (O Allah! Bestow Peace on Muhammad and his Descendants)
How deep is Rasulullah's love to us? Indeed Rasulullah (saw) really deserves best of our LOVE than everything in this world as shown in the following narration.
[7] Maulidur Rasul and your faith
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera sekali lagi. Malam ni, lepas baca beberapa artikel, ya Allah, terlupe plak bahawa esok adalah 12 Rabiulawal, kelahiran Rasulullah iaitu Maulidur Rasul. Terfikir gak adakah sambutan Maulidur Rasul nie salah satu bidaah? Betul, Rasulullah tak pernah menyambut kelahirannya dan ini adalah salah satu bidaah, namun segelintir menyatakan ini adalah bidaah hasanah (bidaah yang baik), tidak apa untuk melakukannya, untuk kebaikan. Tapi walaupun hasanah, benda tu tetap bidaah kan? Soalan itulah yang bermain di fikiran ana skrg, tetapi kembali semula dengan "faith" yang ana pernah nyatakan sebelum ini. Apekah keyakinan anda? (Bagi ana, menyambut kelahiran Rasulullah tidaklah diharamkan/syirik bak digambarkan oleh wahabi-wahabi.)
P/s : Ana ingin menarik balik kata-kata ana tentang wahabi kerana di waktu itu ana kurang pengetahuan tentang wahabi (12 March 2010).
Tahukah anda Rasulullah wafat pada 12 Rabiulawal? Maka renungkanlah, sedangkan Rasulullah sendiri tidak menyambut hari kelahirannya, Baginda hanya berpuasa pada hari kelahirannya.
Dan ana ingin menyatakan menyambut kelahiran Rasulullah (Maulidur Rasul) bukan suatu ibadah yang khusus, bukan semata-mata tetapi tujuan kita mengadakannya tidaklah dapat dinafikan mempunyai pengertian yang besar dan penting, kerana dalam upacara memperingati Maulidur Rasul ini kita dapat mengimbas kembali sejarah hidup dan perjuangan Rasulullah s.a.w yang penuh dengan contoh dan teladan sebagaimana yang digambarkan oleh al-Quran dalam surah al-Ahzab ayat 21 yang bermaksud:
"Demi sesungguhnya adalah bagi kamu pada Rasulullah itu contoh ikutan yang baik iaitu mereka yang mengharapkan keredhaan Allah dan balasan baik di hari akhirat kelak serta sering menyebut dan mengingati Allah dengan sebanyak-banyaknya."
Sekali lagi ana ingin menyatakan, menyambut Maulidur Rasul bukan semata-mata mengangkat banner, berarak beramai-ramai, tup tup tup, terlupe plak nak sembahyang zohor. Habis jer berarak, sesampai kat rumah, terus terlelap sebab keletihan. Miss plak solat Asar. Adakah itu pengertian Maulidur Rasul? Tidak, ape salahnya di hari kelahiran Rasulullah, kita memperbanyakkan bacaan al-Quran dan selawat, bacakan kisah-kisah dan sirah Rasulullah. Bukankah itu lebih baik?
Tidak perlu dipersoalkan soal bidaah ke tak menyambut Maulidur Rasul, namun mengenal Rasulullah dengan lebih dekat adalah salah satu jalan untuk mendekatkan diri dengan Allah. Cuma, jangan hanya menganggap pada 12 Rabiulawal adalah hari untuk bermain kompang, berarak sambil bercampur laki-laki dan perempuan.
Disini, ana ingin berkongsi artikel yang ana dapat dari satu blog yg ana baca, mudah-mudahan dapat dijadikan pedoman.
PERTAMA : Rasulullah SAW dilahirkan pada hari ISNIN. Makna Isnin ni bukan hanya kebetulan. Allah SWT tidak akan menjadikan sesuatu itu sesuka hati, bahkan sebesar habuk pun mesti ada yang tersirat. Pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW dilahirkan, DUA sahaja yang betul-betul kenal akan Tuhan, iaitu Tuhan dan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Allah SWT kenal diri sendiri, selain itu, hanya Rasulullah SAW sahaja yang kenal akan Tuhannya, sebab itulah Rasulullah dilahirkan pada hari Isnin. Oleh sebab itu, sesiapa yang ingin memeluk agama Islam, DUA ini wajib disebut, kalau tidak, maka tak sahlah Islamnya. Ini simboliknya, ini isyarat daripada Allah SWT.
KEDUA : Rasulullah s.a.w dilahirkan pada Rabiul Awal. Maksud rabi ialah awal musim bunga. Ini perkataan tersirat. Robi itu bunga, akhlak yang agung itu umpama bunga.
KETIGA : Mengapa 12 Rabiulawal? Angka 12 ini kalau rujuk kepada malam, pukul 12 malam ini ialah kemuncak kegelapan. Maksudnya, waktu Rasulullah SAW dilahirkan, dunia 'gelap' dengan kezaliman dan kesusahan, dengan kerosakan dengan maksiat. Segala perkara negatif berada di tahap puncak
KEEMPAT : kalau pukul 12 itu dirujuk kepada siang, itupun simbolik juga. Kedatangan Rasulullah SAW membawa cahaya, ertinya membawa rahmat daripada Allah SWT untuk segala alam, bukan sahaja manusia, tetapi juga termasuk binatang, kayu kayan dan alam seluruhnya. Oleh sebab itu, ajaran Rasulullah SAW menyeru manusia agar tidak menyiksa atau mencacatkan bukan sahaja terhadap binatang, bahkan juga terhadap benda-benda yang tak bernyawa. Sebagai contoh, kayu-kayan kalau kita tetak, kita potong, kita akan ditanya oleh Allah SWT kemudian nanti. Seketul batu yang kita ambil akan ditanya oleh Allah SWT tujuan kita mengambil batu tersebut. Itulah yang dikatakan bahawa Rasulullah SAW membawa cahaya sehingga benda-benda yang tidak bernyawa juga mendapat pembelaan dan manusia tidak boleh berbuat sesuka hati.
KELIMA : Seterusnya, kalimah 12 kalau dirujuk pada bulan, kemuncak bulan. Lepas bulan 12, akan jadi bulan 1...menurun balik. Jadi, simboliknya di sini ialah, Allah SWT lahirkan Rasulullah SAW sebagai kemuncak Rasul. Kalau Rasul-rasul terdahulu, mereka datang hanya untuk satu kelompok dan satu zaman, namun kedatangan Rasulullah untuk semua etnik di bawahnya.
KEENAM : Kalau 12 merujuk kepada bintang, ada bintang 12... bintang 12 ini merupakan bintang paling cerah berbanding bintang yang beribu banyaknya. Ertinya, kelahiran Rasulullah SAW membawa syariat yang lengkap, membawa petunjuk yang lengkap, membawa rahmat yang lengkap dari dunia sampai ke akhirat. Ajaran Baginda paling sempurna dibandingkan ajaran-ajaran rasul sebelumnya.
KETUJUH : Kemudian, Rasulullah SAW dilahirkan pada TAHUN GAJAH. Allah menjadikan peristiwa GAJAH ini sebagai satu tarikan atau untuk perhatian. Di sebalik GAJAh itu ada cerita yang orang tidak faham....
Sebelum Rasulullah SAW lahir, datang tentera bergajah dari Yaman yang diketuai oleh Abrahah. Tujuannya adalah untuk meruntuhkan Kaabah, kerana mereka sakit hati umat manusia berkiblat ke Kaabah. Abrahah membawa tentera bergajah. Orang Arab jarang-jarang melihat gajah, maka peristiwa ini menjadikan masyarakat Arab gempar.
Banyak orang tidak perasan bahawa Allah ingin tunjukkan sesuatu... niat Abrahah ingin runtuhkan Kaabah, di samping itu segala kambing di Mekah akan dirampas, termasuk kambing Abu Talib dan Abd Mutalib. Apabila kambingnya diambil, maka keluarlah Abd Mutalib berjumpa dengan Abrahah, meminta agar dikembalikan semua kambingnya itu kerana menurut Abd Mutalib, itu merupakan hartanya. Abd Mutalib menyatakan lagi bahawa Kaabah itu bukan miliknya, tetapi kepunyaan Allah SWT.
Daripada kata-kata Abd. Mutalib itu, terbukalah rahsia, iaitu keluarga Rasulullah masih berpegang kuat dengan agama Nabi Ibrahim. Jadi, di sebalik cerita gajah ini, Allah SWT ingin beritahu dunia betapa bersihnya keturunan Rasulullah SAW, datuk nenek Rasulullah SAW, mereka beragama dengan agama Nabi Ibrahim.
Itulah antara simbolik yang terjadi pada kelahiran Rasulullah SAW di sebalik 12 Rabiulawal, sebelum subuh tahun Gajah.
• Nama: Muhammad bin ' Abdullah bin ' Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim
• Tarikh lahir: Subuh Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal / 20 April 571M (dikenali sebagai tahun gajah; sempena peristiwa tentera bergajah Abrahah yang menyerang kota Ka ' abah)
• Tempat lahir: Di rumah Abu Talib, Makkah Al-Mukarramah
• Nama bapa: ' Abdullah bin ' Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim
• Nama ibu: Aminah binti Wahab bin ' Abdul Manaf
• Pengasuh pertama: Barakah Al-Habsyiyyah (digelar Ummu Aiman. Hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW)
• Ibu susu pertama: Thuwaibah (hamba perempuan Abu Lahab)
• Ibu susu kedua: Halimah binti Abu Zuaib As-Sa ' diah (lebih dikenali Halimah As-Sa ' diah. Suaminya bernama Abu Kabsyah)
• Peristiwa pembelahan dada Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan oleh dua malaikat untuk mengeluarkan bahagian syaitan yang wujud di dalamnya.
• Ibunya Aminah binti Wahab ditimpa sakit dan meninggal dunia di Al-Abwa ' (sebuah kampung yang terletak di antara Mekah dan Madinah)
• Baginda dipelihara oleh Ummu Aiman (hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW) dan dibiayai oleh datuknya ' Abdul Muttalib..
• Datuknya, ' Abdul Muttalib pula meninggal dunia.
• Baginda dipelihara pula oleh bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib.
USIA 9 TAHUN (Setengah riwayat mengatakan pada usia 12 tahun).
• Bersama bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib bermusafir ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan.
• Di kota Busra, negeri Syam, seorang pendita Nasrani bernama Bahira (Buhaira) telah bertemu ketua-ketua rombongan untuk menceritakan tentang pengutusan seorang nabi di kalangan bangsa Arab yang akan lahir pada masa itu.
• Terlibat dalam peperangan Fijar . Ibnu Hisyam di dalam kitab ' Sirah ' , jilid1, halaman 184-187 menyatakan pada ketika itu usia Muhammad SAW ialah 14 atau 15 tahun. Baginda menyertai peperangan itu beberapa hari dan berperanan mengumpulkan anak-anak panah sahaja.
• Menyaksikan ' perjanjian Al-Fudhul ' ; perjanjian damai untuk memberi pertolongan kepada orang yang dizalimi di Mekah.
• Bermusafir kali kedua ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan barangan Khadijah binti Khuwailid Al-Asadiyah.
• Perjalanan ke Syam ditemani oleh Maisarah; lelaki suruhan Khadijah.
• Baginda SAW bersama-sama Abu Talib dan beberapa orang bapa saudaranya yang lain pergi berjumpa Amru bin Asad (bapa saudara Khadijah) untuk meminang Khadijah yang berusia 40 tahun ketika itu.
• Mas kahwin baginda kepada Khadijah adalah sebanyak 500 dirham.
• Banjir besar melanda Mekah dan meruntuhkan dinding Ka ' abah.
• Pembinaan semula Ka ' abah dilakukan oleh pembesar-pembesar dan penduduk Mekah.
• Rasulullah SAW diberi kemuliaan untuk meletakkan ' Hajarul-Aswad ' ke tempat asal dan sekaligus meredakan pertelingkahan berhubung perletakan batu tersebut.
• Menerima wahyu di gua Hira ' sebagai perlantikan menjadi Nabi dan Rasul akhir zaman.
• Berhijrah ke Madinah Al-Munawwarah dengan ditemani oleh Saidina Abu Bakar Al-Siddiq.
• Sampai ke Madinah pada tanggal 12 Rabiulawal/ 24 September 622M.
• Kewafatan Rasulullah SAW di Madinah Al-Munawwarah pada hari Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal tahun 11H/ 8 Jun 632M.
§ Khadijah Binti Khuwailid
§ Saudah Binti Zam ' ah
§ ' Aisyah Binti Abu Bakar (anak Saidina Abu Bakar)
§ Hafsah binti ' Umar (anak Saidina ' Umar bin Al-Khattab)
§ Ummi Habibah Binti Abu Sufyan
§ Hindun Binti Umaiyah (digelar Ummi Salamah)
§ Zainab Binti Jahsy
§ Maimunah Binti Harith
§ Safiyah Binti Huyai bin Akhtab
§ Zainab Binti Khuzaimah (digelar ' Ummu Al-Masakin ' ; Ibu Orang Miskin)
1. Qasim
2. Abdullah
3. Ibrahim
4. Zainab
5. Ruqaiyah
6. Ummi Kalthum
7. Fatimah Al-Zahra '
Halah bin Hind bin Habbasy bin Zurarah al-Tamimi (anak kepada Saidatina Khadijah bersama Hind bin Habbasy. Ketika berkahwin dengan Rasulullah, Khadijah adalah seorang janda).
1. Thuwaibah
2. Halimah Al-Saidiyyah
1. Al-Harith
2. Muqawwam
3. Zubair
4. Hamzah ***
5. Al- ' Abbas ***
6. Abu Talib
7. Abu Lahab (nama asalnya ' Abdul ' Uzza)
8. Abdul Ka ' bah
9. Hijl
10. Dhirar
11. Umaimah
12. Al-Bidha (Ummu Hakim)
13. ' Atiqah ##
14. Arwa ##
15. Umaimah
16. Barrah
17. Safiyah (ibu kepada Zubair Al- ' Awwam) ***
*** Sempat masuk Islam.
## Ulama ' berselisih pendapat tentang Islamnya.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Sesiapa yang menghidupkan sunnahku, maka sesungguhnya dia telah mencintai aku. Dan sesiapa yang mencintai aku nescaya dia bersama-samaku di dalam syurga." (Riwayat Al-Sajary daripada Anas)
[6] Memahami Antara Satu Sama Lain
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Terdetik pulak kat hati ni nak cakap pasal memahami antara satu sama lain (Understanding to each other) tak kira dgn ibu bapa ke, kawan-kawan ke. Manusia adalah unik, perasaan dan emosi seseorang tak sama antara satu sama lain. Jadi, untuk kita memahami sahabat atau kawan-kawan atau org yang tidak kita kenali adalah sesuatu yang terlalu sukar, apatah lagi sekiranya kita kurang mengetahui persekitaran individu tersebut. Aku terbaca satu blog (Syifa' Mardiyyah) dan aku ingin menghighlightkan ayat dr artikelnya,
"Doktor memberi ubat untuk mengubati fizikal manusia, namun kaunselor menyediakan ubat untuk emosi manusia. dan ubat itu adalah dengan kata-kata"
Sangat berat tangungan kauselor tersebut, kerana kiranya dia tersilap cakap atau gaya penyampaian boleh menyebabkan gangguan kepada emosi individu/klien nya. Itu luahan hati seorang kaunselor, apatah lagi kita untuk memahami manusia di sekeliling kita?
Memahami seseorang bereti kita cuba mendekatkan diri kita kepada diri individu tersebut dengan pelbagai pemboleh ubah, samada keadaan dirinya, masalahnya, emosinya malah setiap kata-kata dan nadanya perlu kita dengari untuk kita mengetahui apakah terbaik untuknya dan membantu dirinya untuk mengurangkan bebannya. Memang betul! Aku setuju bahwa tiada orang yang boleh membantu dirinya kecuali Allah dan diri individu itu sendiri, namun perlunya kita sebagai seorang insan cuba untuk membantu individu tersebut bagi meringankan beban yang ditanggung oleh nya.
Adapun ayat dan hadits yang berhubungan dengan manusia tidak terbatas pada ayat dan hadits yang hanya membicarakan an-nas, an-nisa, ar rijal, dan sebagainya. Selain itu membahas manusia dalam konteks al Quran dan Hadits juga bererti membahas berbagai sifat dan sikap manusia dan berbagai sifat yang sebaiknya dimiliki manusia, misalnya: mukmin, muslim, muttaqien yang merupakan sifat yang dapat dimiliki oleh manusia, sabar, ikhlas, syukur yang merupakan sikap yang dapat dimiliki manusia, serta sifat-sifat Allah yang terkandung dalam asmaul husna yang sebaiknya dimiliki manusia.
InshaAllah, artikel ini akan diperbaikikan sekali lagi kerana terlalu luas bagi aku nak terangkannya dengan lebih mendalam, lagi-lagi dengan diriku yang serba kekurangan sekarang, namun selain Allah dan diri ini, keluarga dan sahabat handai sentiasa disekelilingku untuk membantu diri yang lemah ini bangun semula dan terus maju ke hadapan. Allah menggalakkan kita untuk saling bantu membantu, memahami antara satu sama lain adalah salah satu daripadanya.
[5] Smoking Tobacco
I'm a smoker, and I'm trying to quit inshaAllah. But in this article, I really want to find what is the answer for islamic view on smoking. Is it Harram or Makhruh? I found out that some said it's Haraam because tobacco can harm the health of inhaler.
In the Qur'an, Allah says, “...he [the Prophet] commands them what is just, and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good, and prohibits them from what is bad..." (Qur'an 7:157).
After read this article, then I read one of the answer made me confuse. Let me paste the article which I meant.

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
HARAAM is what Allaah and His Rasool S.A.W. have forbidden. There is nothing authentic to say that cigarette smoking is HARAAM. Haraam is a big word with a deep meaning.
Wine and pork is HARAAM. One gets punished for consuming wine and pork, because it is forbidden in the Qur'aan. I really have no evidence to say that someone will be punished or will go to hell for smoking cigarette. Some of the nowadays people say that it is HARAAM, but they have no proof or authenticity.
* Cigarette is not an intoxicant.
* Cigarette may leave a bad smell in the mouth, but that doesn't make it HARAAM.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 1.814 Narrated byJabir bin Abdullah
The Prophet said, "Whoever eats garlic or onion should keep away from our mosque or should remain in his house." (Jabir bin 'Abdullah, in another narration said, "Once a big pot containing cooked vegetables was brought. On finding unpleasant smell coming from it, the Prophet asked, 'What is in it?' He was told all the names of the vegetables that were in it. The Prophet ordered that it should be brought near to some of his companions who were with him. When the Prophet saw it he disliked to eat it and said, 'Eat. (I don't eat) for I converse with those whom you don't converse with (i.e. the angels).' ")
Based on the above mentioned Hadith, the Prophet S.A.W. said, it is disliked, but he didn't say it is HARAAM. So how could our today scholars make it HARAAM because of the smell.
* Eating too much is also unhealthy, but is not HARAAM.
* It is a known fact that eating too much of certain types of food can cause diabetic problems, could we then say it is HARRAAM? Is it unhealthy, but we cannot say it is HARAAM.
*We cannot use verses of the Qur'aan that prohibits alchohol or intoxicants, and apply them to smoking of cigarettes.
* Fiqh-us-Sunnah
Fiqh 3.128b
Fasting one day and not fasting the next
Abu Salama ibn 'Abdurrahman reported from 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said to him: 'I have been informed that you stay up in prayer during the night and fast during the day. 'Abdullah answered: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." The Prophet said: "Fast and do not fast, pray and sleep, for your body, your wife, and your guests have a right upon you. It is sufficient for you to fast three days a month." 'Abdullah said: "I wanted to be stricter on myself and I said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have the strength to do more." The Prophet said: "Then fast three days a week." 'Abdullah said: "I have the strength to do more!" The Prophet said: "Fast the fast of the Prophet David and do not do more than that!" 'Abdullah inquired: "And what was the fast of David?" The Prophet replied: "He would fast one day and then not fast the next." This is recorded by Ahmad and others.
Ahmad also related from 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr that the Prophet said: "The fast most loved by Allah is the fast of David, and the most loved prayer is the prayer of David. He would sleep half the night, pray for a third of the night, and then sleep during the last sixth of the night. He would also fast one day and then eat on the next."
Unfortunately, in today's world:
* some of us have allowed the selling of pork and achohol ( which is haraam), and we have made cigarette smoking HARAAM ( which is not haraam).
*some of us say it is un-Islamic and bid'a to go with the Tabligh Jamaat in the Masjid, but we say it is Islamic to go for three days conferences in a hotel that sell alchohol and wine with bikini girls in the swiming pool.
*some of us do not encourage or accomodate sisters in the Masaajid for daily salaah, but we encourage them to spend nights in hotels and camps for conferences, where they are exposed to so many un-Islamic activities.
This recent kind of interpretation by certain people have become a major disease and epidemic in the world today.
So, what your view on cigarette? This is my opinion, it all about your faith. Where you put your faith? Even though it's not Haraam, it will be Makhruh right? Do you really want to do Makhruh instead of Sunat? Let us remind to each other, smoking cigarette didn't give any good but give bad effect for long term. Don't deny the bad effect of smoking. That's my faith. Why I'm smoking? I also had no idea why I am smoking, maybe because I want to make no different with most of my friends which are smokers. "Smoking connecting people" (?!)
So, how about you? Where you put your faith? Ask yourself these questions.
1. Why you start smoking?
2. What the good things can I get from smoking?
3. What the bad things can I get?
4. Smoking is rather Harram or Makhruh, is one of that good?
You also can watch this video i get from YouTube. Click HERE
Companion in Islam
There are friends who remain true and trustful under all circumstances and there are friends who remain with you only desiring the good. Islam urges to have cordial relations with others and to avoid corruption and the harmful effects of the company of the wicked and the mischievous, strictly forbidding every kind of contact and intimacy with them. The first kind of friend are very few, and their friendship is like a mirror to you. In deed, we must be fair to our friends, and must want for them that which we want for ourselves.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"A true believer is a mirror to his brother. He prevents him from any harm."
Friends wish well for their friends, and feel a strong grief when they see them in any kind of distress or suffering. They work hard by all means, by their wealth and their hands to restore the rights of their friends, and give them all the help they need. They keep the secrets of their friends. This kind of friendship is the basic necessity of social life.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"A person follows the ways and conducts of his friends."
On the other hand, one encounters fools, avaricious, people cowards, and liars. The fool wants to help others, but cause more harm to them despite good intentions. The avaricious one takes but does not give back to anyone. The coward flees at the smallest danger, abandoning everyone. And the liar does not benefit others, brings animosity and resentment, and causes serious damage to others. Also, the liar is not trusted even if he/she is telling the truth.
It is reported,"As for a liar, life with him can never be pleasant for you. He carries tales from you to others and from others to you. If he gives you a true report, a false one follows it. His reputation is slurred. So much so that when he says something true, nobody believes him. Due to the enmity which he entertains in his heart for people, he estranges them from one another and creates malice in their hearts. Be careful and do your duty to Allah."
These kinds of individuals might call themselves as your friends, but they do more ill-service to you as well as to the society and in the long run.
It is advised,"Avoid the company of the vicious, because your character would pick up their degenerate and deviant qualities without your knowing it." The Glorious Qur'an says,"O woe is me! Would that I had not taken such a one as my friend." 25:28
There are many characterizes of true friends: their heart and face should be alike, they should be honest with their friends and show them both the good and the bad side: wealth and children should not change them; they should help whenever able to do so, and they should not leave their friends during difficulties.
To choose a friend, one must assess his real worth. One must bear in mind that temperaments and personalities are associated with one, relationships with others.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"Every Muslim should try to select the best companion for the life span. A companion could be a friend from the same gender. If the companion is to be from the other gender, then that companion should be a spouse to live together within the confines of rules and regulations."
Our beloved Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wasalam) encouraged us to select a good friend with whom to share our feelings. He said,"Don't take a companion unless he is a believer; and don't let your food be eaten except by a godly person."
Also, one must take a friend for who he or she is as an individual, and not force them to conform with one's warp and ideas, so long as everything remains within the boundaries of Islam.
Muslims are advised by the Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wasalam) to select a good friend to associate with, and to have him as a social companion in life. By selecting a good companion, to be a friend, a Muslim enriches his/her life.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wasalam) said,"The similitude of a good companion is like an owner of musk; if you don't get anything, you will get the smell of it. The similitude of a bad companion is like the blacksmith's bellows; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke."
Islam approves associating with individuals who have violated moral and social laws for the purpose of helping them through beneficial guidance. Friends of the right path father and discuss what is beneficial, but not vain. Friends love the souls and smells of their friends. Friends sympathies with their friends and they comfort each other. Friends exert each other toward piety and righteous deeds.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"Fear Allah and help each other for the sake of Allah. Have mercy upon each other. Visit each other and remember our matter and keep it alive."
However, one who keeps company for the sake of helping a friend, would have fulfilled the rights of companionship in the worthiest manner.
It is reported,"When someone observes a friend taking a wrong and sinful course and, while possessing the capacity to restrain him, does not do so out of indifference, he has actually betrayed his friend."
Today, in this world of ignorance and personal desires, there are few who keep their friendship. Hence, everyone should be careful in choosing friends, and study the character of those with whom they wish to develop terms of friendship.
Istikhara to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He),
meaning when one intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task.
I admit I'm a person that lack of confident and always lost my way when Allah gave me task/test.
I talked with my brother, tell him my problems, he asked me to perform salah Istikhara, inshaAllah, Allah will show me the best decision for me.
I took this article from Islamic Academy.
First pray Two Cycles (raka') of ritual Prayer (nafil) such that in the first raka' after Surah Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109) and in the second raka' after Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112). After finishing prayer recite this (supplication/dua'): Dua in Arabic Text below.
TRANSLATION: "O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action ------------------------------------------------ (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me. O Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it."
How many times?
It depends. Sometimes it takes only once to get the answer and sometimes it takes longer. It is better to do istakhara seven (7) times. If you have received an answer as explained in the section below, stop doing istikhara. You do not have to continue to do isitkhara for 7 days. It is better that right after reciting the supplication, given above, sleep with ablution (people who cannot keep the ablution for longer times due to health problems do not have to worry about ablution before falling asleep) facing the direction of the Qibla (facing the Qibla is not required but it is a Sunnat of our beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him). It is better to recite salutations (durood/ salawat) on the Prophet Allah's Grace and Peace be upon him before and after the above Dua (supplication).
If in the dream one sees whiteness (means any thing white in color, for example: milk, white paper, white sky, white clothes, white light etc.) or greenness (means any thing green in color, for example: grass, plants, trees, green clothes, green light etc.) then understand that this task is better and if one sees redness (means any thing red in color, for example: blood, red clothing, red fruit, red light etc.) or blackness (means any thing black in color, for example: black water, black light, black clothings, black sky, black wall etc. ) then understand it is bad and avoid it.
If do not remember any dream or do not see any colors then follow your heart. Whatever intention grows stronger in your heart regarding your targated work follow it after seven days of Istakhara.
Beberapa Salah Faham Dalam Konsep Istikharah
Kebanyakan kita beranggapan bahawa solat Istikharah hanya dilakukan tatkala teragak-agak dalam memilih antara dua perkara. Sebenarnya ini kurang tepat kerana nabi Saw menyatakan dalam hadis:
: (( إذا همّ أحدكم بالأمر((.
Perkataan yang Nabi saw yang digunakan ialah " هم" yang bermaksud hasrat, dan bukannya " تردد" ( teragak-agak). Perkataan " همّ" adalah tahap sebelum " عزم"(keinginan kuat)
Apabila mana-mana individu yang ingin melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan, yang mana dia tiada pilihan lain, ini bermakna dia telah berhasrat (همّ) untuk melakukan perkara tersebut, dengan itu bolehlah dia beristikharah kemudian laksanakanlah perkara tadi. Begitulah sebaliknya, jika dia ingin meninggalkan sesuatu perkara yang tiada pilihan untuknya, maka beristikharahlah dahulu kemudian tinggalkan perkara tersebut
Walau bagaimanapun jika individu mempunyai pelbagai pilihan yang dia tidak mampu membuat keputusan, terlebih dahulu dia meminta pandangan yang layak memberi nasihat, kemudian pilihlah salah satu perkara tersebut dan berisitikharah pada satu pilihan tadi.
Kedua :
Ramai antara kita beranggapan bahawa istikhara hanya dilakukan pada perkara tertentu sahaj contohnya dalam bab nikah kahwin, musafir atau perkara yang 'grand', sedangkan dalam Islam, Istikharah ini dilakukan pada semua perkara, kecil atau besar. Berdasarkan sabda Nabi SAW :
(( كان يعلّمنا الاستخارة في الأمور كلّها((
Maksudnya : adalah dia (Nabi saw) mengajar kami beristikharah dalam semua perkara ( riwayat Tirmizi)
Ketiga :
Ramai beranggapan bahawa solat istikharah perlu dilakukan dua rakaat secara khusus.Ini juga kurang tepat kerana bersumberkan hadis Nabi saw :
(( فليركع ركعتين من غير الفريضة.((
Maksudnya : maka hendaklah dia tunaikan dua rakaat yang bukan fardhu
Penggunaan perkataan "من غير الفريضة"( yang bukan fardhu) mengambarkan makna umum merangkumi semua solat sunat hatta solat tahiyat masjid. Ini bermakna, jika sesorang melakukan solat sunat tahiyat masjid misalnya, selepas salam dia berdoa dengan doa istikharah yang diajar nabi SAW, maka dia telah dianggap beristikharah kepada Allah
Keempat :
Ada yang beranggapan bahawa, perlu ada ketenangan terhadap sesuatu perkara setelah beristikharah, bagi membolehkannya melakukan perkara tersebut. Ini juga kurang tepat kerana makna asal istikharah ialah pohon kebaikan dari Allah. Ia juga merupakan salah satu konsep tawakal kepadaNYA sekalipun seseorang itu rasa kurang suka terhadap perkara yang hendak dilakukan
Sila perhatikan kepada firmanAllah SWT:
(( وَعَسَى أَن تَكْرَهُواْ شَيْئاً وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ وَعَسَى أَن تُحِبُّواْ شَيْئاً وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَّكُمْ وَاللّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ)) (البقرة:216)
Maksudnya: dan boleh jadi kamu tidak suka sesuatu perakara sedangkan ia baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu sukakan sesuatu perkara sedangkan ia tidakelok untuk kamu, dan Allah tahu sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahuinya
Salah tanggapan inilah yang menyebabkan ramai mereka di luar
Kemungkinan ada dikalangan kita yang dapat punyai naluri membuat keputusan, ada yang tidak, oleh itu lakukanlah salah satu perkara, walau pun tidak ada gerak hati terhadap mana-mana perkara kerana sebenarnya Allah akan mudahkan apa sahaja pilihannya
Kelima :
Ada yang beranggapan bahawa perlunya ada mimpi setelah melakukan istikharah, lalu banyak kerja yang tertangguh dek menanti mimpi (atau ilham menurut pandangannya). Apa yang perlu dilakukan olehnya ialah lakukan perkara yang perlu disegerakan setelah beristikharah. Sekiranya dia diberi mimpi baik, itulah "nur" yang dilimpahkan oleh Allah SWT terhadapnya,jika tiada mimpi maka tidak sepatutnya dia menanti sekian lama mimpi itu datang
Inilah beberapa salah faham yang perlu kita perbetulkan atau memberi kesedaran kepada yang masih lagi kurang jelas dalam permasalahan ini . semoga ada kebaikan hasil dari tulisan ini
Valentine Day?
Couple in Islam?! (in Malay Language)
Today I read one article talk about couple in islam (?!)
I took this article from Damai (fully his copyright).
Hope this article will open our eyes, IshaAllah.
Sentiasa kita memahami bahawa budaya kapel ni merupakan satu tradisi dalam kalangan remaja. Asal memasuki alam remaja sahaja, mesti individu ini akan mencari pasangan bagi mewarnai hidup mereka agar kononnya indah.
Mereka bahagia apabila bersama pasangan masing-masing….mereka kata ,ada yang sayangkan mereka.Mereka kata berkapel dapat memberi kesan positif pada hidup mereka.Mereka dibuai mimpi indah setiap malam.Dengan cinta mereka,mereka dapat semangat untuk hidup,dan menceriakan hari-hari meraka.
Ada diantara mereka kata,mereka berkapel berlandaskan syariat.Kami berkapel islamik…
Kapel islamik??????????
Ermmm…..pnah suatu hari kata-kata ini berkumandang digegendang telingaku:
“cara kami kapel laen,mane ade pgang-pegang tangan,siap saling tazkirah lagi…..dose ke cmtu??”
“kami kapel cara islamik,mane same ngan budak-budak yang kapel ntah ape-ape tuh!”
“kami tak buat maksiat,kami bercinta kerana ALLAH”
Huh?!.....rasa cam nk berdebat je…huhu….tapi sape la saye….
Persoalannya,adakah istilah ‘KAPEL ISLAMIK’dalam islam??ape maksud sebenarnya ‘kapel islamik sehinggakan digunapakai oleh remaja-remaja yang kebanyakan mempunyai didikan agama yang tinggi sesetengahnya?.....mereka berimej islam,tetapi bila ditanya adakah bercinta?jawapan mereka ‘ya’…..”kami bercinta tak same ngan orang laen,kami ikut syariat”
Dalam islam adakah istilah kapel??apakah hukumnya??tentunya haram bukan?jadi apakah hukum kapel islamik ini?klau nk tengok perbezaannya antara kapel biasa dan kapel islamik memang ketara….tetapi kedua-duanya menjurus kepada perzinaan..so?HARAM la…
Dalam hadis nabi s.a.w telah memperincikan jenis-jenis zina daripada Abu Hurairah katanya: Nabi s.a.w bersabda sesungguhnya ALLAH telah menetapkan nasib anak adam mengenai zina,tidak mustahil dia pernah melakukannya iaitu zina MATA ialah MEMANDANG,zina LIDAH iailah BERKATA,zina HATI ialah KEINGINAN dan SYAHWAT sedangkan fajar (kemaluan) hanya menuruti atau tidak menuruti
Munkin dengan cara kapel islamik,boleh mengelakkan zina mata,zina lidah dan zina kaki……tapi hati???mustahil orang yang bercinta tiada perasaan rindu pada kekasihnya…mustahil tiada perasaan saling rindu merindui.
Kita insan yang lemah.Kadang-kadang nafsu dapat menewaskan diri dalam sekelip mata jika kita tidak mempunyai kekuatan iman.Tidak hairanlah kita lihat banyak orang yang berimej islam yang terkandas dalam hidup mereka kerana cinta….mulanya mereka berkapel cara islamik,lama-lama hati digoda syaitan supaya bertemu…lepas bertemu,mula saling merenung dengan hati yang tidak dijaga…..mula try pegang-pegang tangan….dan akhirnya mencipta kata-kata manis.pujuk rayu yang berkesan…….last-last jatuh kelembah perzinaan.
Saya mintak maaf sangat sebab nak bagitau sal nie,sekarang perempuan tudung labuh pun sukar dipercayai imannya,bukan sahaja yang wanita bertudung labuh,bahkan mereka yang berkopiah juga..mereka berimej islam,tetapi disebalik imej mereka,mereka melakukan kekejian pada ALLAH…ini semua kerana cinta,yang mulanya dari kononnya kapel islamik…..memang tak dinafikan banyak pasangan yang tidak tutup aurat juga melakukan kekejian,tetapi mereka yang berimej islam nie terlalu menghinakan agama sendiri…..melakukan maksiat,sedangkan imej yang mereka bawa adalah islamik….katanya ingin berdakwah pada orang lain menuju kebanaran,tetapi pada masa yang sama,mereka melakukan maksiat..
Allahu rabbi……
Jelaslah,dalam islam tiada istilah kapel islamik yang direka oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk membetul apa yang sudah ternyata salah..niat tidak pernah menghalalkan cara….yang salah disisi agama,tetap salah,tiada keistimewaan diberi kepada sesiapa pun.
Cinta yang sebenar-benarnya hanya pada ALLAH S.W.T ……dan cinta yang diredhai dan didoakan oleh para malaikat adalah cinta dengan ikatan suci nikah.
Wallahu alam………
I really want to share with you guys about gossiping.
I bet there were 90% of people over the world love gossiping rite?
Here are some words for you who love to gossip (including myself ;p)
I took this article from My Little Mosque blog (fully his copyright),
which attracted me again and again..
I'm sorry if I'm published it without your permission,
but I'm eagerly to share this information to everyone.

Within a few days, the whole community knew the story.

The person it concerned was deeply hurt and offended.

Later, the person responsible for spreading the rumors learnt that it was completely untrue.

"Go to the market," said the old wise man, "and buy a chicken. Then, on your way home, pluck its feathers and drop them one by one along the road."

Although surprised by this advice, the person did what was told to do.
The next day the wise man said, "Now go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me."
The person followed the same road, but unfortunately , the wind had blown the feathers away. After searching for hours; returned with only one feather .
"You see," said the old man , "it's easy to drop them, but it's impossible to get them back.
So it is with gossip! It doesn't take much to spread a rumor, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong."
[4] Inside the World
Try to find where are you in this world?
When we look at a glance about world,
we can see happiness, sadness, pain, joyful,
But do you know where all of these came from?
Try to look outside the box,
when we see happiness, look back when we were sad,
when we in sadness, pain, hurt, try to look back when we were happy.
All of these is connected to each other.
Will we be happy if there were no sadness and painful in our life?
Will we be sad if there were no happiness and enjoyment in this world?
All of these were phases that we need to face to make ourselves more matured.
All of these tests were from Allah.
Do not forget to thanks Allah for what He gave (Happiness), Alhamdulillah
Do not forget every sadness, painful that He gave had some hidden meaning,
maybe we don't understand what is it, maybe we can't,
but every tests He gave, guide us to such wonderful life ever.
Allah knows what the best for His creation were.
Do you ever look around you when you're in problems?
Do you remember when Allah gave you His blessing, do you ever think to thanks Him?
Allah created everything for you, do you ever think of that?
When you were thirsty, there were water,
When you were hungry, there were food,
When you can't breath, there were air,
When you don't have anywhere to go, Allah gave Al-Quran as a guider.
When you think of Allah, read His sms (Al-Quran),
reply His sms (Praying), talk your problems to Allah,
ask for His guides, Allah will always help us,
NEVER EVER He forgot bout us.
We as His slave, pray to Him, do what He asked, leave what He forbids.
InshaAllah you will find the truth about the meaning of life.
Honestly, afieq
The Words that Give Me Strenght
(in Malay Language)
Bila kau letih dan hilang semangat, Allah tahu betapa kau telah mencuba sedaya upaya..
Bila tangisanmu berpanjangan dan hatimu ketandusan, Allah telah mengira titisan air matamu
Bila kau rasa ketinggalan dan masa meninggalkanmu, Allah setia disisimu
Bila kau telah mencuba segalanya tapi tak tahu tujuannya, Allah ada jalan penyelesainyanya
Bila tidak ada yang bererti buatmu, keliru dan kecewa, Allah adalah jawapannya...
[3] Despair
The meaning of despair.
- Complete loss of hope.
- One despaired of or causing despair: unmotivated students that are the despair of their teachers.
Why I didn't go back to Malaysia?
Where should I go if still staying here?
How can I face my parents if I tell them that I failed them twice?
Who am I after that?
A lot of questions that I need to answer but now,
I looked into myself through the mirror,
I saw a despaired guy which lose his way,
And I didn't see that he's trying.
"Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost That your so alone
All you is see is night And darkness all around
You feel so helpless You cant see which way to go
Dont despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side"
From the song InshaAllah by Maher Zain
I'm praying and hoping,
But I'm not trying.
That's the main reason why I'm still here.
I'm afraid to face the truth,
Which made me run far away from it.
Why I keep running even though I knew it won't take me anywhere?
Because, I'm just a normal human being who can't afford losing anything anymore.
With Honest, afieq

Cell phone vs Quran
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat
our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Quran?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Quran being disconnected
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!
Trust in the Lord and *ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)
[2] How Do You Handle Stress?
A lot of definition of stress if you google it, and the stress that I meant is -
Definition: difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension; "she endured the stresses and strains of life"; "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger"- R.J.Samuelson
Eating? Crying? There always be different of situation how we handle to ease our stress, and here I'm telling you how I'm handling it. Maybe it's different between us because we are human being, got feeling and react through that feeling. So, this is me, how I'm handling it and always want to remind you, it's all depend on situation and your mood.
4. Song - Hearing songs can ease my stress, but it's depend to what song I'm hearing to. Sometime, when I'm feeling really deep stress, song of MCR (My Chemical Romances) can give me strenght. Or maybe, I can tell you, songs of Maher Zain really attracted me this lately. A lot of messages from his songs, and I'm feeling closer to God when hearing it.
3. Crying - I'm used to be cry baby when I'm a little kid, still, if I'm really stress, one moment I didn't realize my tears will coming down. Then, I will go at the corner, crying alone which made me feel comfort a little bit. But, it wont solve you any problems and I always remind myself to stop crying, that not so manly. ^_^ But as human being, cry as much as you can because one day you won't be able to cry again anymore (when you are dying). Could it be sad if you tried to cry, but you cant?
2. Talking - Try to talk to someone that you feel comfort with, tell your problems to them, ask their opinions how to handle it. I always trying to talk my problems to others but inside me prefer to keep it in myself and let it buried inside depth of the heart. But still, I will try talking to my friends especially when it's come to study problems. Give everything out when you can't take it by yourself. I miss those people older day where I can share my problems with.
1. Praying - Who else we ask if not our own GOD? When there's a problem, God always make it way how to solve it. God never make such problems without solution. There's a solution for every problems, ask God if you felt lost or blindness all you can see. We always forget to pray to our God, we never think that this life is too short.
When we were near to death, will we need our money, reputation and our properties? Nope, in my opinion what will help us only one hope, our only God.
How about you guys?